International Voluntary Service

Grape and Fig Harvest in Palestine.


Camp Description

The Tent of Nations project seeks to bring people of various cultures together to build bridges of understanding, reconciliation, and peace. The long-term goal of The Tent of Nations is to prepare people to make positive contributions to their future and society through the values of understanding, tolerance, and respectful coexistence. These goals are achieved through education awareness campaigns, youth empowerment, and work camps. The Tent of Nations is located on a piece of land southwest of Bethlehem 10 km away from the city near the village of Nahalin. Ownership of the land upon which the camp sits is in dispute, with a court case ongoing since 1991.

This BBC article gives a comprehensive overview of the camp history. 

Type of Work

Because August/September are the months of picking grapes and figs, it is always useful to have more people sharing this significant time with Tent of Nations, volunteers, and other young people. Young people from different backgrounds will campout for ten days. During this time, they will harvest different fruits and help in making grape and fig jam, dried figs and grapes, grape syrup, and grape juice. The program will have the two extremes: the educational part (including field trips, etc.) and the intense time working in the fields. Volunteers are asked to arrive early on the 4th and leave after breakfast on the 16th of September.

Study Theme

The branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine.


Volunteers who are coming between March and November will be staying in a large well-equipped marquee tent (with paved floors, beds with mattresses.

Camp Requirements

Interest in meditation, Buddhism, and how to find peace & happiness from within. Kitchen skills will be appreciated, and you will be expected to help with cleaning and general maintenance, also sometimes the work will be physically demanding.

Camp Location

The Tent of Nations is located on a piece of land southwest of Bethlehem 10 km away from the city near the village of Nahalin

Camp Language

Arabic, English and German


Further Information

This camp requires physical work in a hot climate.

To Apply

Please email

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